1045 Lindoerfer Rd. Plymouth, WI

Call us: 920.893.4500

Windows & Doors

Wisconsin Plastic Products, a Pexco Company, supplies engineered profiles to the window and door marketplace.



Cellular PVC Jamb Components

  • Manufactured with Celuka foam technology
  • Cellular PVC products offer excellent machining properties
  • Screw retention exceeding the strength of pine lumber

Rigid Core Co-Extruded Weatherstrips Extrusions

  • Supplied cut to finished length saving OEMs time and money
  • Low durometer flexible sealing bulbs co-extruded in multiple positions per profile

Capstocked Glass Filled Exterior Components

  • Capstock formulations offer exceptional resilience and colorfast properties
  • Best in the industry capstock surface finish
  • Embedded glass fibers within the profiles substrate achieves high modulus and low coefficient of expansion and contraction