1045 Lindoerfer Rd. Plymouth, WI

Call us: 920.893.4500

Co-extruded TPU Living Hinge Solution

Wisconsin Plastic Products, a Pexco Company, uses Polymer Science coupled with design of experiments methodology to produce a game changing product for the retail display industry.



The Problem:

The customer was struggling with costly product liability claims and unreliable living hinge performance using their existing product design and extruder.

The Plan of Attack:


Wisconsin Plastic Products, a Pexco Company, works to lay out a multi faceted approach that includes a shift in polymer grade and living hinge designs expected to optimize performance.


Wisconsin Plastic Products, a Pexco Company, builds three prototype extrusion dies to be performance tested focusing on living hinge variables of durometer, thickness, and length.


Wisconsin Plastic Products, a Pexco Company, quality uses the design of experiments methodology to test each extrusion batch for effective bend cycles prior to failure. Results are evaluated and shared with Wisconsin Plastic Products, a Pexco Company, engineering.


Wisconsin Plastic Products, a Pexco Company, engineering uses preliminary cycle testing data to create a final extrusion design optimizing each control variable. A pre-production extrusion trial is executed for further performance evaluation. Wisconsin Plastic Products, a Pexco Company, quality rigorously cycle tests and gather positive results exceeding customer demand. Quality signals a “ go” to mass production.

The Solution

Wisconsin Plastic Products, a Pexco Company, optimizations to material choice and living hinge design yield a product that exceeds it’s customer’s expectation. Product liability claims shift to zero and no performance issues are logged since mass production launch.

Product Liability Issue Solved!

5 Times Better Performance!

Cost Saving and Peace of Mind